Dr. R. Prabhakar
Assistant Professor Dept. of English
Blood! Blood! Blood!
Cops Blood!
Naxals’ blood!!
Innocent victims’ blood!!!
Vikrama Simhapuri University
Nellore Andhra Pradesh
All the blood is red similar in colour That is as widespread wild flood
That made the pastures the red Hades. Whose fault is it?
Who is the responsible for it?
Is it of extreme extremity between Jawans and Naxals? Both proclaim as the optimists
Both proclaim as the patriots
Both proclaim that their aim is one: Justice. India salutes to Jawans
At time of need and natural calamities, They are the Almighty in the human form. At time of danger at the border,
They protect us from the adjacent alien human beasts. They are the mother after the mother.
But, they also massacre the tribal naives in guise of peace!? The poor tribes bow down before the Naxals
And praise them as the living Gods.
They also protect the tribes from the exploiters.
But, they also slew the fellow human beings as perpetual foes. Is this primordial enmity not pernicious to society???
Who gave them power to kill each other (fellow beings)? Both are the parasites on the cause of justice
Both are the parasites on the rotten corpses of each other Both are the supermen who believe in Guns
Both are the wild vultures on the rotten bones of native naives Both are the Kaurava Pandavas
People are like dilapidated Drupadi Politicians are pseudo Krishnas.
India is afraid of Blood Tsunami at hand!!!!! When may the eternal massacre suffice?
Blood has the power to transform the human hearts That transformed the King Ashoka.
Look! Look!! Look at the pious blood on the cross of Calvary
That pure blood of Christ (symbol of Love) pacified the wrath of Jews. It seems they may transform after seeing the blood of innocent naives. It is over . . . over. . . . over. . . . . . .
I hope the utter transformation is at hand.
If not, O! God descend down over again. . . . over again. . . . . . Utterly transform India to love.