Submission Guidelines:
We accept original theoretical Research papers or research articles, book reviews, interviews, poems and short fictions as electronic submissions via e-mail [] as attached documents (Microsoft Word only). The documents must include name and affiliation details in the body of your submission. Submission must be in the single attachment. The subject line must be Submission of Poem/ Fiction/ Article etc. Submission e-mail must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines, you agree to the policy of the journal and that the submission is original and does not contain plagiarized material.
Focus Areas: English Literature, Linguistics, ELT (Arts and Humanities)
The format of the articles:
Authors are requested to follow the MLA style (8th Edition) strictly while preparing the articles. Authors are also requested to include the following in the format of their articles:
1. Full title with the subtitle, if any. Times New Roman font, size 14, bold (not all capital letters)
2. Name and affiliation of the author/s
3. An abstract of the article of about 100-150 words and Keywords
4. Authors should note that the main body of the text should be prepared in such a way that no formatting is needed afterwards. Headings, subheadings, and illustrations should be well incorporated into the main body of the article. Times New Roman font, size 12 and justified.
5. There is no word limit for articles. But ideally, those should be around 5000 words inclusive of Works Cited. (Not below 3000 words)
6. All portions of the articles should be single-line spaced.
7. The author should be careful regarding grammatical and typographical errors.
8. All essays submitted must be in English for review. Quotations in languages other than English must be accompanied by translations and font file.
9. Please do not use Footnotes. Include Notes after the end of the article and before the Works Cited. Follow MLA 9th Edition.
10. Submissions with Typological, Grammatical Errors and Spelling mistakes will be rejected.
Do not decorate your submission with lines, borders, special characters etc., which may lead to rejection.
Fiction and Poetry
Our mission is to publish the finest fiction (up to 10,000 words), with special attention to character-driven stories that examine the depths and heights of emotion and motivation from a broad variety of cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fiction (1,500 words or less). Surprise us with your writing. There are no restrictions on subjects and themes. For poetry, we aim to publish challenging and engaging works by both established and emerging poets.
Please note:
Fiction: Submit one piece at one time.
Poetry: Submit up to three poems at one time.
Include a short third-person biographical note in your submission.
Only previously unpublished works are considered.
Response time: 15-20 days from the deadline, We communicate to accepted submissions only.
The Criterion is entitled to publish submitted work in any form (online or in print). The editor-in-chief can also reproduce the submission in any form (book/ anthology) and authors will be reported about the publication in other forms. We allow authors flexible rights to republish and reproduce and distribute their published contents with third parties anywhere in any format on the following conditions:
1. The authors will inform the editor-in-chief about the intended republication or reproduction by third parties by sending a signed letter.
2. The authors will acknowledge credits to The Criterion as the first publisher and include the URL (the original link location) in their works.
Plagiarism Policy
By submitting a paper for publication to the journal, you as contributor/ author/ co-author state that
· You are fully aware that plagiarism is wrong and you know that plagiarism is the use of another person’s idea or published work and pretend that it is one’s own.
· You declare that each contribution to your work from other people’s published or unpublished sources have been acknowledged and the source of information have been referenced.
· You certify that you will not allow anyone to copy your work with the intention of passing it off as his/her own work.
· You certify that you are solely responsible for any incomplete reference that may remain in your work.
Action against Plagiarism
When plagiarism has been found to have occurred, the TCIJE will take the actions listed below as determined by the type of plagiarism. Unless determined otherwise during the investigation, all authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for the content of a plagiarizing paper.
· The TCIJ may inform the department chair, dean, or supervisor of the authors of the finding of plagiarism.
· The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism.
· If the paper has appeared on the website, the journal will remove access to the full text. The paper itself will be kept in the database for future research or legal purposes.
· If the paper is under submission, the paper can be automatically rejected by the editor-in-chief without further revisions and without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the TCIJE.
Article Processing Fee:
While the traditional model relies on restricting access to published research in order to recoup the costs of the publication process, the open access publishing model treats publication as the last phase of the research process. Open access publishing proposes a relatively new model for scholarly journal publishing that provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of all published articles. Open access allows all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author’s work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model. Many authors in a variety of fields have begun to realize the benefits that open access publishing can provide in terms of increasing the impact of their work.
In an open-access model, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author’s research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing Charges. These Article Processing Charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the full-text of every published article freely available to all interested readers. In addition, authors who publish in our open access journals retain the copyright of their work, which is released under a “Creative Commons Attribution License,” enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
Content for Publication | Article Processing Charges (APC) [for accepted submissions only] | |
Indian Authors | Foreign Authors | |
Research Article | 1500 INR (For Single Author) | 50 USD (For Single Author) |
Poetry | FREE | FREE |
Fiction | FREE | FREE |
Book Review | FREE | FREE |
Author Interview | FREE | FREE |
Do not pay APC along with the submission.
Deadlines for submission:
ISSUE | Deadline | Acceptance Communication | Date of Publication |
February Issue | 31st January | 15- 20 February | 28th February |
April Issue | 31st March | 15-20 April | 30th April |
June Issue | 31st May | 15- 20 June | 30th June |
August Issue | 31st July | 15- 20 August | 31st August |
October Issue | 30th September | 15- 20 October | 31st October |
December Issue | 30th November | 15- 20 December | 31st December |