Prof.Dr.Manana Rusieshvili
Head of English Philology
Tbilisi State University Georgia
Halis Gözpınar
Akhaltsikhe University Lecturer Tbilisi State University Master Student
Present research explores a number of proverbs employed in speeches of several well- known politicians of today and and also looks at the specific use of proverbs and their pragmatic function.
It is a well-known fact to the scholars interested in proverbs that the perfect definition of a proverb is considered to be one of the debatable points in modern paremiology . This is partly caused by the fact that the proverb has been studied by different sciences such as anthropology, art, communication, culture, folklore, history, literature, philology, psychology, religion, and sociology . On the other hand, the definition of a proverb is difficult as it contains a number of essential genre elements some of which are shared by other represeantatives of paremias such as maximes, aphorisms, riddles, short fables, etc.
Paremiology mainly deals with collecting and classifying proverbs and investigating their socio-historical significance . In Turkey and in other Turks living lands, a great deal of books, brochures and articles, more than 700, have been published about more than 10.000 proverbs uttered by the people and transformed from generation to generation. (Turkish Proverbs and Phrases,1992)
The research has shown that there are a few definitions of a proverb which deserve attention.Below I cite a few of them :
Archer Taylor who published over one hundred further articles and books considers
‘A proverb is something which is short but not always. A proverb is something which is true but not always. Everybody knows what a proverb is”. (Taylor, 1962 ) .
Let’s see the following Turkish proverbs to verify Archor Taylor.
1- ‘Time is money ‘ – ‘ Vakit nakittir ‘
2-‘Varlığa güvenilmez’ – ‘No Trust in wealth ‘
- ‘Zenginliğinle övünme bir kıvılcım yeter,güzelliğinle övünme bir sivilce yeter’ – ‘ Do not boast about your wealth ,one sparkle can take it away ; do not be proud of your beauty one pimple will take it away ‘
- ‘Dost sanma şanlı vaktinde dost olanı ,dost bil gamlı vaktinde elinden tutanı ‘ – ‘Do not count as a friend he who befriends you in prosperous times , but count as a true friend he who protects you in sorrowful times ‘.
The accuracy of the proverb and its efficiency in short form is stressed out in the following two definitions : Levi-Strauss defines the proverbs ‘ Le proverb ne peut mentir (the proverb cannot lie) (‘Levi-Strauss,1968) and ‘A Proverb in the hand is often worth a thousand words’ (Horace Reynolds,1959)
‘Kadın deniz gibidir ‘ – ‘ A woman is like the sea ‘
‘Ateşle ateş söndürülmez ‘ – ‘ Fire can not be extinguished with fire ‘ ‘Yaşat ki yaşayasın’ – ‘Let live so that you may live ‘
The proverb has anonymous content and the inspiration of the proverbs came from the folks’ encountered events , have been adopted and transferred to future generations so as to give them guidance,advice.
“Marriage works wonders.” [Nikahta keramet vardır.]
“The father’s blessing takes effect, and a mother’s sigh.” [Atanın duası tutar, ananın ahı.]
In the proverbs we observe the general attitude of the whole mankind and the similiarities is caused by the physicological, emotional needs of the people and the definition by A.KABAKLI shows the possible resemblance of them : ‘ One nation’s view to every kind of social and individual problems can be seen in proverbs ; however almost all nations have similar meaning proverbs. Regardless of what nationality they are , the thought of the people is undoubtedly combined in the same point many times ‘ . (Ahmet Kabaklı:1994)
- BbavSvis piriT simarTle RaRadebso – BbavSvis piriT simarTle RaRadebso Truth is poured out of the child’s mouth . ( Georgian )
- Kkai Svili dedis gulis vardiao – Kkai Svili dedis gulis vardiao A good child is a rose of his/her mother’s heart. ( Georgian )
- Ağaç yaş iken eğilir -A tree is bent while it is gren. ( Turkish ) 4-The just shall live by faith – Adil inançla yaşar ( English )
5-Truth will come to light – Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz ( English )
The proverbs give lessons and they are based on the experiences of older generations, while the idioms are used to depict an event, or a situation in which one finds herself / himself.
In proverbs, experiences are told the listeners as a guide to the possible future events because their intention is to teach people ,so in the following definition this feature of them is mentioned : ‘The proverb is a traditional, conversational, didactic genre with general meaning, a potential free conversational turn, preferably with figurative meaning” (Neal Norrick,1985)
The definition which really deserve attention is by a Turkish paremiologist O.A.AKSOY
‘ Proverbs are collection of quotations which express the experience and knowledge the
society formed from yesterday to today in an exact , short and certain judicial form.The accuracy of a proverb is admitted by the people and they are the largest judiciary at the time of dispute ‘ show how their independent meaning sums up the situation and gives an influential contribution to the whole context.
(Aksoy 1998: 15).
Not only the message conveyed in the proverbs takes our attention but also the way it expresses the message which is both vivid and memorable and It is called metaphorical language which is one of the most common features in the definitions of the proverbs. According to Manana Rusieshvili “The proverb is a verbal form well-known to the language community, which laconically (within the boundaries of a sentence) and metaphorically expresses a deep, well-known, archetypal knowledge accumulated by the nation and mankind in the process of exploring the universe and reality . (Rusieshvili 2005 )
As a summary to the definitions , It can be said that ‘’ The proverb which are locally mentioned at that time but reached to the level of universal usage is a reflex of the folk to their encountered events , containing wisdom for the future generations ; apart from the accuracy , the poignancy makes them easily remembered and repeated’.
In the modern world, it can be thought that the use of proverbs and their usefulness have decreased due to some earlier traditional and folk elements in them. They inevitably come to mind as prefabricated verbal units and help us in oral speech and written word. Although the frequency of their use (and existence) may differ among people and contexts, proverbs are a significant rhetorical force in various modes of communication, from friendly chats, powerful political speeches, best-seller novels, and the influential mass media. Proverbs occur in wider contexts such as everyday conversations, newspaper editorials, advertisements and accompanying pictures and cartoons. Proverbs are outstanding philosophical pieces spoken and written in their own languages.
Proverbs can be a kind of verbal weapon which is sometimes difficult to argue against. Because they are colourful linguisitc formulas , politicians choose the opportunity to speak to people in a way that combines colloquial language with political messages.Powerful politicians make frequent use of proverbs and proverbial expressions in their speeches because the serious meaning of a proverb and its usage by an intelligent politician strengthens his argument with the emotions of traditional wisdom.The use of proverbs by politicians definitely gives proverbs a certain vitality and those proverbs help them be a cheer leader. Thus, the pragmatic function is to persuade people to believe in honesty and importance of the message. Obama’s two books Dreams from My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006 ) are filled with proverbial language, and his approximately three hundred speeches during his steady move towards the presidency of the United States help us see how he bore efficiently and used those time tested wisdom in order to convince the world for a change. (W.Mieder 2010).
President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has certainly proven themselves to be a magisterial communicator, elevating their countries’ political discourse to new rhetorical heights .It is a considerable interest to take a look at how these two leaders are communicating with the world at large .They are both in constant communication with the leaders and the people of countries throughout the world.
President Obama in Egypt Cairo ‘ A new beginning ‘ speech states unequivocally that he is guided by the proverb “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” that is commonly referred to as the “golden rule” for human conduct. And he is also giving verse from the Holy Koran : “Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.” . Promising the muslim world “to put oneself into somebody else’s shoes” and “to see through someone else’s eyes”. He repeats the proverbial expression “to give (lend, extend) someone a hand” that has proven itself to be a leitmotiv in his many speeches.(Mieder 2009b: 230-231)
When he traveled to Ankara ,Turkey to address Turkish Parliament on April 6, 2009 again repeated his fundamental belief stressing cooperation between Turkey and the United States, he returned to his “lending a hand” proverbial metaphor meaning extending a hand to developing countries ,a hand to those Palestinians who are in need. He also gave examples from an old Turkish proverb: “You cannot put out fire with flames.” Turkish original is
“Ates atesle söndürülmez” which usually is rendered into English as “Fire cannot be extinguished with fire”, with a possible English equivalent being “Revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold” (Yurtbasi, Metin,1993)
Using the meaning of the proverb “People will judge you on what you can build, not what you can destroy” and stating quite similarly “The future must belong to those who create, not those who destroy.’
President Barack Obama in a press conference with President Felipe of Mexico said:
“It’s progress that calls to mind a Mexican proverb that I’m told says ‘tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are.’ Mr. President, the United States is proud to walk with Mexico.” In this case Obama makes a successful attempt to modify the structure of the proverb according to his needs.
In China ,journeyed to the Great Wall in November 2009 and came up with a Chinese proverb to express his true feelings and repeating “Consider the past and you shall know the future”.
Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is also good at persuading the crowds and showing how important he is in the democratic history of Turkey for getting % 49 of voters in 2007
,leading Turkey to the more civilized world,giving a great power to its hands, controlling the policy rather than being part of the game. As a person who reads much and has a knowledge of the religion Islam and Holy Book Koran ,good at speech and choosing the right word in the right time both in the foreign policy and domestic policy.
At the opening ceremony of a gene bank in Ankara He used a Native American proverb : ‘Only after the last tree has been cut down ,only after the last river has been
poisoned,only after the last fish has been caught ,only then you will find that money cannot be eaten‘.
He said that ‘business as usual’, will mean food shortage, a poor world with filthy air and sea , land covered by more roads, airports, bigger industrial farms and cities and more wars in the future. He challenged to fight against ignoring problems of global world and motivated them to make a difference , help to create a fairer sustainable world rather than consuming much and carrying on buying, wasting without any care towards the obvious risks in the future . He gave the message that we have to if our beautiful planet is to survive with all its wonderful life and variety.
Prime Minister Erdogan responded with a Corum ,Turkey proverb to the Opposition party
: ‘The croaking of the frog doesn’t make the river muddy ‘ ‘ kurbanın vakvağası ırmağı bulandırmaz ‘ meant that they would go on investments and service for the citizens although having been opposed by the opposition who is really small in number.
The Turkish proverb ‘Su akar ,Türk bakar’ – “Water flows, Turkish looks’ was criticized by Prime Minister Erdoğan in order to attach importance to global warming and climate change problems which has increased and It is not time to watch the river flowing but time to make bans or investments in water technology as a country rich in water because water is becoming as important as oil reserves.Uttered the new version ‘The water flows , The Turkish makes ‘ ‘Su akar ,Türk yapar ‘
Criticizing the Civil Unions for not obeying the rules of demonstration and accusing themselves for their demands to decide where to celebrate the day in the most international
main square of İstanbul , He used the proverb : ‘If the feet become the head,It ıs the end of the world ‘ ‘ Ayakların baş olduğu yerde kıyamet kopar ‘.
Mardin ,Turkey Proverb ‘No roasting from the head of a bird ‘‘Kuş kafasından kavurma olmaz ‘ was also a reply to oppositions for the percentage of the votes they got in the former elections and also criticizing them for not analyzing the reasons of the investments and not producing solutions, changing the proverb ‘ They can’t be the leading party ‘, for they have no vision and enough votes’.
Analysing the conflict between Israel and Palestine,the Prime Minsiter gave an interview to a French journal. After being asked for his strict attitude towards the problems there, he reminded that Israel didn’t facilitate the peaceful atmosphere there and It wasn’t time to close eyes to the persecution although both countries have military and economical cooperation but It was time to accept the conflict made by Israel; meant to be partners but that was the reality : ‘ Dost acı söyler ‘- (The real friend tells the bitter truth.)
Prime Minister Erdoğan said that the world of today allocates 1 trillion dolars only to defense industry per year and Prime Minister’s speech continued as follows: ‘ If the half of the money were spent for the undeveloped countries, the world would go to less conflict and to the civilizations alliance as we did with Spain.We believe one of the oldest cultures of the world , Africa will definitely be developed with the help of all countries because there is a proverb ‘Moving water does not rotate the mill’.
Prime Minister in an official visit to Greece after the economic crisis there , in order to illustrate the importance of the trade volume between the two countries which should be increased to $ 5 billion, he used the proverb ‘ Neighbour needs a neighbour’s ashes’ .
As it is clearly seen ,when we take the time and place of the proverbs used by these two politicians into consideration, we inevitably see that they are especially gifted in adding a folkloric touch to their political rhetoric that these specifically chosen and perfectly fitting statements help to make their utterances so appealing to people everywhere.
The above analysed proverbs occurring in the speeches of the political leaders once again show the ‘magic’power of a proverb- the politicians use it to make their speeches more open, honest and persuade their listeners to believe in the message they try to pass on.
- Kabaklı Ahmet,1994 – Turkish literature, Turkish Literature Foundation Publications,
İstanbul , C: 1, s.80.
- AKSOY, Omer A. (1998): Dictionary of Proverbs and Idioms, Inkılap , Istanbul.
- Levi-Strauss,1968- Levi-Strauss, P. Mythologique, Paris
- Horace Reynolds,1959, “A Proverb in the Hand – is often Worth a Thousand Words,” The New York Times Magazine (September 13, 1959), p. 74.
- Mieder 2009b: 230-231- Mieder, Wolfgang. “Yes We Can”: Barack Oboma’s Proverbial Rhetoric. New York: Peter Lang, 2009b.
- W. Mieder ,2010- The Golden Rule As A Polıtıcal Imperatıve For The World Presıdent Barack Obama’s Proverbıal Messages Abroad , Millî Folklor, 2010, Year 22, Number 85.
- Neal Norrick,1985- How proverbs mean: Semantic studies in English proverbs. Berlin: Mouton, 1985. Pp. 213.
- Rusieshvili 2005 – Rusieshvili, M. The Proverb , Lomisi. 2005
- Taylor, 1962- Taylor, A . The Proverb, Hatboro, Pensylvania
- Turkish Proverbs and Phrases,1992-General Directorate of National Library , National Educational Press, İstanbul
- Yurtbasi, Metin,1993- A Dictionary of Turkish Proverbs. Ankara: Turkish Daily News, 1993.
- Fergusson ,Rosalind, 1986 -The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs; Hertfordshire, Omega Books
Ltd. , 1986.
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