Asst Prof, Department of English, Oxford Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli,
Tamil Nadu, India , PIN – 620 009.
English is the universal language of the world because it is one of the most commonly used language .English has become the prevalent language of business and international correspondence the most widely spoken language in the world, it’s also the case that English is a remarkably adaptable, flexible language, able to absorb and create new words, to be adapted to a variety of contexts, to be combined with other languages to form pidgins and dialects, in a way that no other language can do. While it’s true that Chinese has more native speakers than English does, there are far more users of English than any other language. Most interactions in English, roughly 80%, are between non-native speakers of English. Unlike other languages (and contrary to what some English people would like to believe), the English language is not the “property” of any one country or group of people. So, if we equip ourselves with a competent use of English, we’re opening up a whole world for our self. Because languages are an aid to communication English is the most functional language. More than one language in our increasingly global business economy is a definite asset although the benefits of bilingualism are many; proficiency
in English has become imperative to succeed in business in the 21st century.
Is there a need for a universal language?
Yes, a global economy in the information age actually could benefit from a language
that’s spoken by a majority of the people. So, why make one up? English is an Anglo-Frisian language brought to Britain in the 5th Century AD by Germanic settlers from various parts of northwest Germany. The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North Sea from what is the present day Denmark and northern Germany the Angles were named from Engle, their land of origin. Their language was called Englisc from which the word, English derives. It is the global language of education, business, science, technology and medicine. English continues to be the premier and prestigious language in higher education because the resource and guidance available in this language are abundant compared to that available in the regional languages or even the national language. Careers in business and commerce, government positions of high rank, and science and technology which attract the brightest, continue to require fluency in English. English is another passport and provides the visa for overseas study.
English can be at least understood almost everywhere among scholars and educated
people, as it is the world media language, and the language of cinema, TV, pop music and the computer world. All over the planet people know many English words, their pronunciation and meaning. The causes for this universality are very well known and understandable. English first began to spread during the 16th century with British Empire and was strongly reinforced in 20th
century by USA world domination in economic, political and military aspects and by the huge influence of American movies. English is spoken in every major city in the world, especially tourist destinations http Teaching Indigenous Languages web site pages were visited over 45,000 times in October 2003 with visitors coming from over 90 different countries.
Thanks to the globalization in all the fields, it necessitates the learning of a language which is international. Undoubtedly, English has become a world language rather than the language of
only the English speaking countries such as the UK and the USA because the number of the people who use English as a means of communication exceeds much more than the number of the people who speak it as their mother tongue. In the case of English in India, more than two centuries, India has been directly and indirectly had influence of the language.
English on all the fields, such as Education, Medical Science, etc. Text materials relating to the subjects of Science, Engineering and Technology as also Medicine are available only in English. Moreover, all over India, there is no single language to unite the whole country English, the universal language, as a Second Language, becomes inseparable branch as also unavoidable in Indian education system. Instead; she/he must possess the skills of a facilitator of learning- genuineness, prizing and empathy.
A recent article in the Tampa Tribune has shown the prevalence of English as the world’s primary language.
The facts about English, Which might be interested in knowing?
- In 1755 Samuel Johnson published the first significant English dictionary.
- There are approximately 172 million English speakers and 163 million non-English speakers online” (Global Reach).
- English is the most widespread language in the world and is more widely spoken and written than any other language.
- Over 400 million people use the English vocabulary as a mother tongue, Over 700 million people; speak English, as a foreign language.
- Of all the world’s languages (over 2,700) English is arguably the richest in vocabulary; and that the Oxford English Dictionary lists about 5,00,000 words,
Half-million technical and scientific terms still uncatalogued?
- Three-quarters of the world’s mail, telexes and cables are in English.
- More than half of the world’s technical and scientific periodicals are in English
- English is the medium for 80% of the information stored in the world’s computer.
- English is the language of navigation, aviation and of Christianity; it is the ecumenical language of the World Council of Churches and possibly a constructed language, for international communication.
- English has long been used as the primary language because most of the relevant literature and terminology is in English.
- Aviation has also used English as a common language as pilots communicate with each other and with air traffic controllers.
Language of Communication
One might ask why to communicate in English?. In the 17th century scientists initiated a new more logical and descriptive language. It does not utilize forms of the verb ‘be’ for example. It
has not really taken off despite its logic and practicality. It’s not the first time that the question pops up. Why should one communicate in English? There are of course a lot of pretty good
reasons: working knowledge of English is required in many fields and occupations, education ministries around the world mandate the teaching of English to at least a basic level.
- It’s spoken, or at least understood, by more people than any other language, thus giving the biggest audience.
- There are a lot of creative ways to swear in English
- According to Wikipedia roughly 1 billion people speak English as their first or second language,
and another billion is learning English.
- A constructed “world language”. English is simple to learn, fun to use and versatile enough to
express every thought
- Five of the largest broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC) transmit in English, reaching millions and millions of people all over the world
- From meetings and presentations to E-mail and telephone conversations, the usage of English is crucial for successful communication.
The New Global Language
English is without a doubt the actual universal language. It is the world’s second largest native language, the official language in 70 countries, and English-speaking countries are
responsible for about 40% of world’s total GNP. The concept of a Universal Language is more significant only now, in the era of world mass communication .Effective communication
includes eye contact, hand gestures, and movement aviation because it’s the new global language and so that humans can communicate better and try to make a better world. 55% of
communication is visual (body language, eye contact) and 38% is vocal (pitch, speed, volume, tone of voice)? That means only 7% involves ones actual words. And when the spotlight is on
person – whether one-on-one in an interview or when making a presentation to a large group— we need to communicate effectively on all levels. The time that people from different countries
might spend on understanding English is surprising. It is a significant loss of productivity that one may not be aware of in common business situations:
- Meetings
- Presentations
- Conference calls
- Reports 6
- Seminars
English Success enhances one’s ability to communicate effectively in English in professional activities. A world where more than 450 million people speak English natively, there are more non-native speakers than native speakers. In a recent Newsweek article, non- native speakers are now more numerous than native speakers by a ratio of 3 to 1. Asia dominates the world with 350 million English users, more than the total number of native speakers in the U.S., U.K., and Canada. To be successful and to achieve their professional goals in the new millennium requires clear communication using Standard American English. The professional who can combine superior communication skills in English with their unique perspective from their native cultures and languages will find unlimited opportunities.
An official language for the Internet
There is one language that could have a chance of being considered universal, it would be English. The Internet is a great sign of this, since most of the Internet is only written in English.
Also since the Internet is becoming the most effective way to communicate overseas, more
cultures are being forced to learn English. One would be speechless in a country that didn’t speak a word of English. However there are cultures that neither speak English nor go on the Internet at all. Almost one-third of websites are presented in a language other than English. The reasons for the position of English are the imperialism and economical and political importance of English-speaking countries. Linguistically, English is extremely unsuitable for international communication, and the actual wide use of English tends to polarize the world into Internet users and Internet illiterates. Alternatively, or in addition to this, the technology of machine translation may allow people to use their own language in international communication. The main language used throughout the world on the internet is English. The media that make up the Internet are overwhelmingly American in origin, so it is no wonder that the mother tongue of the Web is English. Four factors determine the degree to which a given language. Find uses on the Internet.
- The number of users of the language
- The extent of its use as an official language
- The economic power of the language and;
Top ten languages and also for the top three languages in use by Internet users.
English- the visa for overseas study & growth industry
English continues to be the premier and prestigious language in higher education because
of the resource and guidance available in this language are abundant compared to that available in the regional languages or even the national language. Careers in business and commerce, government positions of high rank, and science and technology which attract the brightest, continue to require fluency in English. English is another passport and provides the visa for overseas study.
English is reckoned as a prestigious language and the tongue of first choice and continues
as medium of instruction in elite schools at every level. Private English medium schools are mushrooming in all large cities and many smaller cities. Even government schools run for the benefit of senior civil service officers, use English because only that language is the acceptable medium of communication throughout the nation. It serves even better while one migrates to exploit opportunities and Indians are constantly shifting base within the country. Our cities reflect this reality. The working-class, comprised of rural and urban migrants and who perhaps are bilingual in their village dialect and the regional language, perceive English as the tool for their children’s advancement. Schools in which English is the medium of instruction are a “growth industry.” The English speaker also commands more respect and draws courteous responses in some situations than does a speaker of an indigenous language.
However, in recent times in the global marketplace, Indians have become the obvious choice of the knowledge-based industry because of their sheer knowledge of the English language and the ability to effectively use it on the job. The trend is showing positive and upward growth and even the European and American companies have been showing greater interest in offering jobs to Indian professionals. Not all credit is to be given to English alone; knowledge of the subject is important too; yet expression and communication are being powered by English. There is no denying this fact.
The National Knowledge Commission of India
Realizing the importance of this imported language which can bring benefit to the society and the nation, the National Knowledge Commission of India has proposed to the government of
India to strongly recommend the inclusion of English from Standard I in the school curriculum. The Commission is of the opinion that “in the 21st century marketplace, languages are the new
bargaining chips. They are tools of trade, no less or more; that is precisely why we must embrace them.” The learned scholars do feel that “linguistic proficiency is the key to unlock the door of
opportunities in a world where borders are blurring in the blink of an eye. Success language is largely about the behaviors and attitudes
Success in language is largely about the behaviors and attitudes that encourage positive perceptions. The following tips sheet serves as a reference to remind of what is important to
creating a good first-impression.
- Handshake
- Attire
- Conformity
- Grooming
- Presence
- Body language
- Speech
- Language skills
- Conversational skills
- Representation
Several definitions of “language” include:
- Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
- A system of signs, symbols, gestures, or rules used in communicating.
- Such a system including its rules for combining its components.
- Such a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community.
- A characteristic style of speech or writing.
Definitions of language “Success” include:
- Achieving something desired, planned, or attempted, favored or desired outcome, to turn out well.
Success language is a way to communicate who you are and what you are all about.
Success language encompasses behaviors and attitudes that enable us to achieve what one set out to achieve. Success language programs, tools, and other resources provide guidance, lessons, and systems that facilitate successful outcomes for individuals and organizations.
- English Success enhances one’s ability to communicate effectively in English in professional activities. Native English” has lost its global influence due to complicated international, economic, technological, and cultural changes.
How to be a Successful Language Learner?
Graddol predicts that by 2015, “There will be about 2 billion people from Asia and non- English-speaking Europe learning English.
In a recent article in the International Herald Tribune, “Across Cultures, English is the word”, one sentence surprised me:
“English dominates the world as no language ever has and some linguists are now saying it may never be dethroned as the king of languages.
English, the Universal Language, is one of the simplest and easiest natural languages in
the world. The only other simple and easy languages are constructed ones never before has it been so easy to hop on a plane and fly across oceans, telephone internationally, and especially surf the internet. Millions of people around the world watch American TV shows and movies, listen to American music, go to Starbucks, and eat at McDonalds. The American and American English influence on world cultures no doubt has contributed to the prevalence of English usage.
“Discover, Explore, and Embrace the language of success”
. My Nation’s 21st century goals, is that English, the tongue of its one time enemies, should become Japan’s second official language to “achieve world-class excellence.”- The
former Prime Minister of Japan – Keizo Obuchi
Thus “Success” is an individual, personal experience and attainment for each person who
seeks to create it wish to appreciate, and the destinations for which one aims.
Works Cited:
Bailey Richard .W and Manfred Gorlach (eds.) (1982) English as a World Language, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Central Institute of English (1972) The Sound System of Indian English, Monograph No. 7,
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad.
Cheshire Jenny (ed.) (1991) English around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Cambridge
University Press.
Halliday M. A. K., Angus McIntosh and Peter Strevens (1964) The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching, Longman, London.
Kachru Braj B. (1985) ‘Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism: The English
language in the pouter circle’ in English in the World: Teaching and Learning the Language and Literature, (ed) Randolph Quirk and H. G. Widdowson, Cambridge University Press.
Kennedy Graeme, (1985) ‘Comments on Randolph Quirk’s ‘The English Language in a Global Context’ in English in the World.
Nadkarni M. V. (1983) “English in Mother Tongue Medium Education”, CIEFL Bulletin 19 / 1. Paikeday T. M. 1985 The Native Speaker is Dead, Paikeday Publishing Inc. Toronto.
Prator Clifford, (1968) ‘The British Heresy’ in Language Problems in Developing Countries (eds.) Joshua A. Fishman, Charles A. Ferguson, and Jyotindra Dasgupta, John Wiley, New York.
Pride J. B. (ed.) (1985) Cross-Cultural Encounters: Communications and Mis-communication, River Seine Publications, Melbourne
Quirk Randolph (1985) ‘The English Language in a global context’ in English in the World (ed) Randolph Quirk and H. G. Widdowson,Cambridge University Press.
Senghor, Leopold S. (1975) “The Essence of Language: English and French”. Culture 2. No. 2 (Quoted in English as A World Language (ed) Richard W. Bailey and Manfred Gorlach,
Cambridge University Press.