Chad Norman
for the Truro, N.S., S.P.C.A.
What ends up with a history of travels
seems to include not only vehicles and explorers but a chair, ugly and used, once in an office, only to be given up, and given away,
plucked from a dumpster to comfort dutifully, yet another strange rearend.
How the human made the choice came down to the one with castors,
and obviously the colour, a worn green, the colour that means so much to them connected to their attempts to save
their properties, and perhaps, the planet.
What ends up being the important act seems to include leaving the chair, decide to bring home a different comfort, she whose name is Simona, also given up and given away, a different choice
finally found in a room of open cages, with a look in her yellow eyes
saying only one thing, ” Please, choose me, all I want is to sit close, stay warm
in the chair I know you have at home.”
Casa Harris April 19, 2012