Who am I?
Lovely Dutta Prusty
Delhi Public School Whitefield, Bengaluru
I am the trophy on the shelf
Cherished and celebrated when received
Now, neglected and un-cared for.
My sheen hidden beneath
umpteen layers of dust and grime
pushed to a dingy corner
by numerous other entrants
to keep company with haughty spiders
in mighty webs.
I am the No.1 bestseller
propped amidst other bound members, half read
A bookmark tucked within its yellowed pages
of words that lost significance just as…
the story abandoned midway.
I am the new dress
Bought in a mega sale
one size too small or too big
yet crisp on a hanger
waiting for the right occasion.
I am the dewdrop
on a leafy edge
basking in the glory of life
before it falls into oblivion.